Sprites in development

Development for Fogged Glass is still going. I've already started working in engine. I'm trying out something new with my limited resources. It's a learning curve, but nothing that would make me quit. 

Outside of that, I've started making the needed sprites for the demo, just the essentials, grass floor, dirt floor, grass floor going into dirt floor, the different angles, river, grass floor into river, etc. Although this is a project made with the budget of a fun-sized chocolate bar, I still want to put a level of care into making it. Putting passion into a passion project. 

The last thing to update on, also in the category of sprites is the player character. I am working on the sprites for the player character and their movements. I'm starting light, going with directions, but at the moment I have just the stills. Right now, I have attached the image of Lapin, the player character, a red and blue rabbit that longs to be a wizard. Although, the design might change in the future as they look more like a mouse than a rabbit. 

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